Featured Artwork

Joy Comes In The Morning

Joy Comes In The Morning
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Added: 03/25/2008 09:03 PM
Material: Oil / Canvas
Orig. Size: 18 x 24
Sometimes when I paint, I tap into emotions that I am familiar with and just let the painting "happen". I have had a lot of experience with grief and sadness, not only in my own life, but also in my experiences as a Chaplain. Life offers many contrasts that we each must experience; life and death, contentment and hunger, sorrow and joy. Psalm 103 reads, "weeping may remain for the night, but joy comes in the morning". The image I portray in this painting is that joy is the reflection of sorrow, and even though you feel that your world may be "falling in around you", joy will come in the morning. This is in a dark-brown wooden frame.

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